Friday, August 5, 2016

Tire repair

Thursday August 4 2016

No scheduled activities today, which was good because I've had a leak in one of the jeep tires for about a week. We drove to the town of Bridgewater, dropped the girls off at the mall and Clay and I went in search of a tire repair facility. That's not an easy job nowadays as the days of a gas station on every corner with working garage are just a memory. The first two stores we tried, Canada Tire and Walmart while willing to fix the tire but would not do it while we waited. The third, Andy's Tire Center took care of us right away.

You know you're in Canada when you find this display at the tire store

Rejoining Millie and Rebecca at the mall we had lunch at Tim Horton's which is like the Canadian Duncan Donuts. We drove back to the Canadian Tire store to browse because it's more like a modern American hardware store than a tire store. They had wiper blades on sale so I purchased some for the jeep.

Jim Ryan, from our Fantasy RV Tour group

We also made a quick stop at Walmart for some grocery items. Back at the campground the owner stopped by and invited everyone in our tour group to a musicians Jam session at the activity center. Millie and I went up for a while, there were five musicians, a folk music couple, two from another RV tour in the campground and our very own troubadour Jim Ryan. He is the musician who performed at the campfire meeting I wrote about in a previous posting.

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