Thursday, August 4, 2016

65 year old lobster

Elm River CG to the Cove CG at Annapolis-Royal

Sunday July 31 2016

Today was one of our longer runs, we moved 176 miles down the western coast of the Bay of Fundy to Annapolis Royal. Our campground for three nights is the Ocean Cove Campground in Parker's Cove Nova Scotia.

The Fantasy RV tour on a bluff overlooking the Bay of Fundy

Getting here was the main activity for the day, more rolling hills, lots of evergreen forest and farms in the river valleys. Towns are small and although none have looked affluent, they all seemed neat and tidy. We've seen no slums or ghetto's at all yet in Canada. I'm sure when we get to Halifax that will change but for now, it's almost like going back in time to a simpler and more peaceful place.

Let him go free!!!!!

We walked down the hill from the campground to a seafood company to see the 65 year old lobster they had there. It was for sale, I don't know how much it cost. I think if a lobster lives that long they should set it free. We go back to the fishery on Tuesday morning to see the lobster ponds and processing the crustaceans for sale.

Millie at the lobster boat harbor

The Harbor across the street from the fishery was interesting, the tide was out and all the boats were balanced on their keels. A pick up truck had driven onto the harbor floor where work was being performed on one of the boats. The tide here looks to be in the range of 20 feet.

There is a guided ghost walk through a cemetery tonight, Millie and I will probably pass on that, they lost us when they said bring insect repellent!

Sunset on the Bay of Fundy

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