Sunday, August 21, 2016

Our last day of the RV Caravan tour

Monday August 15 2016

We drove to a village on the south shore here on PEI. Summerside is a few miles west of Confederation Bridge. The eight mile+/- link to the mainland has a claim to fame, but I've forgotten what it is. I think it might be the longest bridge over water that freezes.

Longest bridge over water that freezes

Anyhow, Summerside is a small harbor town, not much to see, just a tourist area by the small boat marina. After walking around a bit we drove to the business side of town where we walked around a mall, ate lunch at Wendy's and then made our final stop here at, where else, Walmart!

Summerside harbor

Back at the campground we had about an hour to let Maggie play in her pool before going to the activity center for a game called Playing Card Bingo. We all anti'ed up our Canadian coins for a total of nine pots. Neither Millie or I won anything, just like our luck with the lottery!

After Bingo we had a cookout and social gathering at Joe and Brenda's RV. Just about everyone came to the spur of the moment get together. It would be Millie and my last chance to see everyone and say goodbye because we are not going to the last stop of the tour. The group is traveling back towards Maine for 246 miles. They will gather one last time in Saint John, New Brunswick.

There is a farewell dinner planned in Saint John and the next morning everyone goes their separate ways. The are a couple people who are separating from the group here in PEI. One couple is taking the ferry to Newfoundland, another is from Ontario and heading home. Millie and I are going over the top of Maine and heading to Quebec City.

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