Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Peggy's Cove

Sunday August 7 2016

Today is a free day on the tour with no scheduled activities. We drove the jeep to Peggy's Cove to see the lighthouse and take some pictures. Our 25 mile drive along the coast gave us glimpses of the rocky shoreline. On the way to the village we stopped at a memorial to the Swiss Air flight that crashed offshore resulting in over 200 deaths.

L-R Clay, Rebecca, Millie, Larry

The village of Peggy's cove is a preservation area to prevent rampant development. It is very small in size just a couple dozen structures in the whole place. The main attraction is the lighthouse, which was puzzling to me. Yes it is very picturesc, but mostly because of it's location on the rock. I've seen dozens of lighthouses that are more attractive than this one.

The Peggy's Cove lighthouse

Of course we walked the rocks surrounding the light and took the pictures, along with the harbor scenes in the cove behind the lighthouse.

The harbor at Peggy's Cove

Harbor entrance

Leaving Peggy's Cove at noon we headed to the Costco we had seen on our way to Halifax yesterday. Before we went shopping we stopped for lunch. Millie and I went to Quisnoes, Clay and Rebecca ate at the adjacent McDonald's.

 Afternoon was spend with Maggie in her pool, chatting with neighbors and prepping for tomorrows departure. We plan on being on the road by nine as we have a 250 mile journey to Cape Breton.

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