Sunday, August 21, 2016

Island bus tour

Sunday August 14 2016

Early start this morning, we had to be ready to board the bus at 7:45 am. As painful as it is to get up before the sun, we can struggle through that and get ourselves ready. My big worry is, will Maggie go outside and relieve herself before we leave for most of the day. Oh, did I mention it was raining this morning, Maggie like most dogs are not happy about going out in the rain. I know she is knows when we are going to leave her, and sometimes I think she procrastinates on purpose. Maybe she thinks we won't leave if she doesn't poop.

I know how lobster traps work, I'll stay in the nice dry bus.

The tour today was through the countryside, the north shore National Park and a commercial fishing harbor where we had a demonstration of how lobster traps work. We spent about an hour at Green Gables Farm. I don't know what I'm not comprehending, but I just don't understand the fascination with Anne of Green Gables. The island has created a whole industry about this storybook character. Even stranger is all the Japanese tourists who come half way around the world to visit Anneland!

Spellbound by A of GG, Japanese tourists wander aimlessly around Anneland

We had lunch at a local restaurant, the owner got started in the cooking business by making strawberry jam and substituted booze for the sugar in the recipe. His restaurant has a gift store with jars of jam's and preserves pickled with different flavors of alcoholic beverages. I just report whats given to me folks, but it must be working for him, he's been in business for thirty years.

Millie's fancy lunch

Last stop was an Ice cream factory, we all got double scoops of ice cream before the self guided tour. There was no production today but they had videos at various points on the manufacturing tour. They also make their own T shirts for the gift store and had the silk screening machinery on display along with a video of the process. I was vaguely aware of the operation but it was interesting to see all the details of making a multi color printing.

T shirt printing room at Cow's Creamery

After we got home Millie went and did laundry, I let Maggie play outside while I cleaned the windshield and front of the motorhome. One more day here on PEI and we say goodbye to our caravan friends. There is officially on more stop, a return to Saint John for a farewell dinner, but several people who are traveling in a different direction after the tour are saying goodbye from here. Millie and I are going west to Quebec City and are among those ending the tour here.

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