Friday, July 29, 2016

Flower Pot Rocks

Millie at the flower pot rocks

Friday July 29 2016

We carpooled the short drive of about ½ mile from the campground to Flower Pot rocks at 11 am.
The Bay of Fundy tide was low and our guided tour group walked along the shore. Our guide enlightened us with details of geographic history for the region and the creation of the pinnacles. It was somewhat interesting but I think most of us just wanted to take pictures.

A flower pot rock

Water will be about 20 feet deep here at high tide (Clay and Rebecca)

Afterwards Clay, Rebecca, Millie and I went to a restaurant for a late lunch. At the Log Cabin Restaurant Millie, Clay and I once again ordered the same thing, fish and chips, Rebecca got Chicken and fries. We were all pleased with our meal.

The Log Cabin Restaurant

In the afternoon we sat outside with our neighbors and let Maggie play in her pool. When a sudden rain surprised us we all ran home to our RV's. Millie and I watched a movie on DVD based on a story by Steven King. The movie is called Secret Window and stars Johnny Depp. As you can imagine it was a suspense thriller.

I computer chatted with Verizon support today, First they said even though the new Verizon Plan is advertised as including international calling they don't really mean it. What you get is calling Canada or Mexico if the call originates in the United States. I said OK, add the real International plan to the one way international plan. No can do, they said, our three year old $700 phones are obsolete and do not support international calling.

The next time I get to a Walmart here in Canada I will investigate a Tracfone or similar no contract phone for use until we get back to the states.

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