Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Last day in St Andrews

Monday July 25 2016 

We rode into the business district of St Andrews this morning. We walked the three block long commercial district stepping occasionally into a gift store or art gallery. Lots of interesting things, but we don't need or have room for more stuff, neither in the motorhome or the condo. I did buy a t shirt, mine have a bad habit of getting stained, can't imagine how but the stains always appear after eating.

Clay and I on the husbands bench

I only saw one bank on the main street and when we went inside to exchange money there were several others from our group in line. I haven't waited in a bank line in years, 99% of my banking is online or ATM.

We had lunch at a harbor front restaurant called The Harbour Front Restaurant. Millie and I had fish and chips, we both liked it. Check was $28 Canadian, that would be about $20 American.

Millie browsing

Millie bought a couple post cards, stamps and a bag of candy. We all remembered eating the pink hard candy years ago, but couldn't remember what they were called. Riding down the road all four of us let the pink candy disks melt in our mouths as we tried to recall the name. Rebecca remembered the name and we all immediately agreed. They were called Canada mints and had the word Canada embossed in each candy.

causeway to Ministers Island

We rode out to the causeway to Minister's Island but the tide was rising and parts of the roadway were already under water. Minister Island's claim to fame is the road is only passable at low tide. We rode to the old cemetery we saw the other day on the tour but couldn't gain entry. I'm sure there would have been some interesting epitaphs on headstones there.

Maggie in her pool

Afternoon was leisure time, I sat outside and let Maggie play in her pool, Millie read some of a Janet Evanovich novel. After dinner (meal eaten in MH) Millie cut my hair.

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