Wednesday, July 27, 2016

St John, New Brunswick day 2

Wednesday July 27 2016

Bus tour of St John

 The days tour started early, we had to marshal at the Wagon Masters RV at 8:30 am to be picked up by the bus. Our guide took us to all the highlights of the city, giving tid bits of information about each neighborhood or historic area. At several locations the bus stopped for one half hour and we were able to disembark and explore on our own.

City Market

 One such stop was the city market which has been in continuous use since colonial times. Another historic site was the Carlton Martello Tower, built to defend St John should the Yankees invade during the War of 1812.

Carleton Martello Tower

One of the points of interest here in St John is a natural feature. The Reversing Falls are not really falls at all, they are rapids. When the huge tidal flow from the Bay of Fundy backs up into the St John River, rapids are formed when they strike large boulders in the river. When the tide reverses and all that water that was pushed upriver retreats back to the sea, the rapids are formed in the opposite direction.

I think that is a brewery on the opposite shore

After lunch we had our drivers meeting where the Wagon Master gave us details for tomorrows journey to Hopewell Cape, which will be our last stop in New Brunswick before moving on to Nova Scotia. We let Maggie have some pool time while I worked on blog postings. I don't think I will have internet access for a couple days and I wanted to get the postings up to date.

Millie and I along with Clay and Rebecca took a walk around some of the city park where the campground is located. It is an enormous park, over 2000 acres with trails, lakes, horse stables etc. Many types of outdoor activities can be practiced here.

Just a neat picture of some cereal in the market

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