Friday, July 29, 2016

St John to Hopewell Cape

St John to Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick

Thursday July 28 2016

Today was moving day again, A 107 mile trip up the coast of Bay of Fundy. Our destination campground is Ponderosa Pines, located at Hopewell Cape. The tourist attraction here is Flower Pot Rocks. The compacted sediment there has been eroding for some 600,000 years and has created large rock pinnacles along the shoreline. Greenery and trees have taken root on top of them and thus the reference to flower pots. We have a scheduled guided tour of the rock formations tomorrow.

On the way up the coast I deviated off the assigned course (again) hoping to get a view of the bay. Our detour was on rt. 915, an approximately ten mile spur that eventually rejoins rt 114, which is the original route. There wasn't much to see, every time the road got close to the beach we hit fog. Fifty degree water and 75 degree air equals fog.

Waiting for the tide

Nothing was scheduled in the afternoon, but they had a campfire in the evening which included sum'ores and a drivers meeting for the next leg of the trip. One of the group brought a guitar and sang a few songs. He said he was a musician in his youth and after a thirty year interlude he was learning to play again. He only had six or seven songs that he knew without having to look at sheet music, but the ones he did surprised everyone. He was very good, both guitar playing and singing. No pictures, I forgot to take my camera.

We have no phone service here and no over the air TV, watched a movie on DVD. Made in 1998, Stargate is a movie version of the TV series of the same name.

Fuel $90.80 Didn't get a detailed receipt but I think it was 90 liters which is 23.77 Gallons. cost per gallon would be calculator $3.82 per gallon. BTW, milk is $7 a gallon, almond milk is $4 a half gallon.

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