Monday, July 25, 2016

St Andrews, New Brunswick

Sunday July 25 2016. Today was our bus tour of St. Andrews. Our tour guide, a retired school teacher and St Andrews native was probably the most qualified person for the job. History is always interesting and she made the telling of St Andrews early history more so by by adding her family's story. They were American colonialists loyal to the king and fled here during the American Revolution.

Our guide in the Anglican church

This is a small village and after the story of our guides family, the most interesting part of the tour was lunch at Kingbrae Gardens. It consisted of salad, sandwiches and carrot cake, all good. Some quirkie or interesting facts; located just around the corner from the Bay of Fundy, Passamaquaddy Bay has 25 foot tides and the summer residents from America are called the “Summer Colony.” An early resident was rumored to be the bastard son of King George IV, When the Colonist's loyal to the King fled here from America, they dismantled several homes and brought them to St Andrews, they are still standing.

Oldest court house in continuous use in Canada

Kingsbrae Garden

In the afternoon, we had our drivers meeting for the next leg of the trip, to St John, New Brunswick. Following the meeting we had planned on driving to the town dock to do some tourist shopping but that plan got postponed when condensate from Clay's rooftop air conditioner started leaking on their bed.

We went on the roof and opened up the AC finding a stopped up drain. It was caused by a poorly engineered drain outlet. We re engineered it by drilling an alternate path for the water. Problem solved we also modified the front roof top AC.

Afterwards, Clay and I were sitting in the shade cooling off and noticed an old guy across the street, he was doing something at the power post. After a few minutes of watching the old man struggle I had to go see if I could help. His power cord had a wire burn in two and every time he tried to plug it in the broken wires would start arching. I gathered some tools from my Motorhome and spliced the cord back together for him.

We decided to reschedule the town trip to tomorrow, I played with Maggie for a bit, and Millie did some laundry.

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