Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wrapping up the month in Titusville

January 31 2016. 

Our first month in Florida has come to an end. Millie loved the rustic Manatee Hammock campground. She prefers natural wooded environments over resort style RV Parks. I like both campground styles but our stay at Manatee Hammock was less than perfect for me. It wasn't the campground I didn't like, January was mostly overcast, cool, sometimes rainy and the campground is heavily shaded, I would have liked more sunshine. 

Our visit to the Manatee winter quarters was one of our “list” items completed, two others will have to wait for another time. We had planned on taking a ride on an air boat, and an open cockpit biplane, but the weather never cooperated. We did get together a second time with our friends Tyler and Nancy; we met for breakfast at Mitchell's Family restaurant and if we had talked any longer we would have had to stay for lunch. 

During the last deluge of rain we discovered two leaks in the motorhome. One was thru the drivers side window, I think I have fixed that one. The second required a trip to camping world to purchase materials to reseal the bathroom shower skylight. I will remove and reset the skylight as soon as we have a weather window with no rain.

At the Titusville Playhouse

On the last Friday in town we went to the Titusville Playhouse to see a production of the musical “Hairspray”. What a hoot it was, we really enjoyed the coming of age story of Tracy Tumbald in 1962 Baltimore.

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