Thursday, January 7, 2016

May the Trojans be with you!

January 7 2015

We are parked for the month of January in a county park near Titusville Florida. That means I don't have traveling to write about and will have to be creative to make the blog interesting. So far I'm stuck behind a mental block! Hmmmmm?

On Tuesday we drove to the mall on nearby Merritt Island to see the latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens. I must admit I haven't seen any of the Star wars movies since the first couple in the 70's but we were intrigued enough by the media hype to see the latest. I mean millions of people have paid a cumulative billion plus dollars to see it so it must be something really spectacular, right?

 I hate to be the harbinger of bad news but, save your money it was awful! Millie and I rate every movie we see with a one to ten score. About halfway through this version I was thinking I don't know how I can give it more than a five. As it went on I kept lowering my number, the movie ended with a generous grade one. I was actually thinking of lowering it to one half. 

I think they were relying on special effects and nostalgia to carry the film because the story line was totally unrealistic. I know its a SiFi story but even so some things should make sense. Every obstacle in the plot is so conveniently solvable it would be laughable if it didn't insult the viewers intelligence. At times it was almost a parity of what a SiFi should be.

The new politically correct Hollywood, A white chick and a black guy

For example, Rey the movies young heroine is a scrap collector but intuitively knows how to fix and fly the Millennium Falcon. (Hans Solo's spacecraft that presumably hasn't flown in thirty years.) Finn, the second lead in the film has deserted from his job as a sanitation worker for the First Order. (the bad guys) Somehow after joining the resistance he knew precisely how to blow up the First Order's gigantic space gun. The story line is one ridiculously unrealistic scene after another.

Old guys rule!

The new droid (if it had a name it was forgettable) had zero personality, even the brief appearances of CP30 and R2D2 couldn't save the believably of artificial intelligence. Speaking of nostalgia, Harrison Ford as an aged Hans Solo along with his sidekick Chewbaca are the only characters that seemed believable, but even they couldn't save this movie. Carrie Fisher's portrayal of Princess Liea was very stiff and Mark Hamill just had a wordless cameo at the end, neither helped the movie.

Finally a kind word, the special effects were pretty good!

PS: Millie gave it a three.

While strolling the mall we happened upon one of those dollar discount stores. I don't remember the franchise name but I'll use dollar store as a generic term. Two products caught our attention among the many cheap items. This has to be the first time I've ever seen wine sold in a dollar store, it was on sale at three bottles for ten dollars. I don't know about you but cheap wine just scares me, who knows whats in that stuff, I still remember some years ago when a reputable French wine producer was caught using anti freeze as an additive. 

The other eye opener was a 12 pack of personal protection for $2.99. For a job as important as a condoms, I seriously doubt I'd trust the job to one with questionable heritage, I mean, I can visualize the shipping line at the Chinese condom factory, “Hey boss, this production run has a lot of quality test failures, what do you want me to do with them”. The boss replies “Ship them to the dollar store in America!” 

Seriously, $3.33 wine and $.24 condoms? It's a disaster story of epic proportions! But hey, the movie would probably be better than the Star Wars flic we just saw!

Other than that I guess life's been pretty normal. It's so quiet here in the campground we've been sleeping until eight in the morning. We take walks, ride bikes, go to Walmart, all the things snowbirds are required to do here in paradise.

Stay warm!

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